5 Great Reasons You Should Invest in a Park Home

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There’s nothing better than taking your family on vacation. For a short time the normal rules go out the window, everyone de-stresses, and the family bond deepens. In most cases, it’s a fantastic opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime.

Of course, planning a vacation takes time and money, something that many parents are short of. That’s why it’s time you took a look at investing in a park home.

Here are five great reasons why you should invest in a park home.

It’s Affordable

Vacation homes are traditional in the most desirable places. They are by the sea, a lake, or in the prettiest towns. Of course, this means that vacation properties are at the higher end of the market and not affordable to everyone.

However, if you choose a park home as a vacation property, you’ll find they are much more affordable. When you start looking at park model homes, you’ll find there are many different types available. For example, the beach home is designed for locations near the sea, while the rancher home won’t look out of place in the country.

Whatever your preferred location and available budget, you’ll find a park home that suits your needs.

For most people, it’s a cost-effective way to get a vacation home.

You Can Head to Your Favorite Spot Anytime

You need to consider rental potential and this could affect the exact location of your park home. However, in general, you’ll choose a home in a location that you already love to visit.

This means you’ll be able to head to your holiday home at any time. That’s a fantastic option when you love visiting a specific area. All you need to do is grab your stuff and remember to have your swimming pool essentials with you, then head to your park home.

Vacations no longer need to be arduously planned. It’s simply a matter of heading to your own park home whenever you feel like it.

Minimize Packing Requirements

When you have any type of vacation property you no longer need to pack to the same detail. Even if you rent the park home out when you’re not using it, there are plenty of storage options that will allow you to leave clothes and essential items at your vacation home.

It makes packing easy, simply grab a few belongings and take off on a whim.

The ease of packing means you can pop to your park home any weekend or, if work permits, stay with the family for the entire summer.  

Earning Potential

Park homes, like any other vacation property, can be rented to others when you’re not using them. Just a couple of rentals a year can cover the cost of your ground rent. A few additional rentals turn your investment into an income generator.

As a parent and stay-at-home mom, I understand how challenging finances can be. Purchasing a vacation park home as an income opportunity means that any loan and ongoing fees are covered by the rental income. In effect, the park home is free and you get to enjoy a vacation whenever the home is empty.

Naturally, maximizing your income means renting during the peak summer months. This will limit its availability to you. Make sure you consider this and set dates for your visits before they become fully booked.

The US vacation rental industry is worth $15.1 billion, it’s highly competitive! The key to successfully renting is to have an attractive pricing structure.

Creates Memories

What better way to create great memories with your family? A park home offers a home from home, allowing you and your children to instantly feel relaxed and comfortable.

Because you’ve visited so many tiles, you’ll know what your children can safely do by themselves. This fosters independence and their love for your vacation spot.

The result is quality family time and memories that will last a lifetime. Your park home can even offer senior loved ones a chance to get away in safety. It’s one way in which you can support your senior loved ones. Either allow them to go to your park home by themselves, or go with them and create additional memories.

Of course, the feasibility of all of you going depends on the size of your family and the size of your park home.

You may not have considered a park home as a vacation property before. For families on a budget, it’s a great opportunity to ensure you always have a holiday. If you do it right, the park home costs will all be covered by your renters.

That gives you a free home, a great place to vacation, and perhaps a small additional income. Investing in a park home is worth considering!

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