Is It Time To Replace Your Home’s Window Wells?

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Basements are pretty common in Colorado homes. You get extra storage and living space. However, there can be a downside to having a basement. The standard small windows with basements don’t do much for your home’s curb appeal. Adding window wells is a popular option. The wells add curb appeal while also helping to protect your basement from mud, dirt, and moisture. 

Over time, window wells can wear down and become damaged. When this happens it’s time to start thinking about contacting a window well replacement Fort Collins service. So how do you know when it’s time to replace your window wells? There are a few warning signs homeowners should watch for.

Common Signs Your Window Wells Need Replacing

Window wells are sturdy and durable. This isn’t something you should plan on replacing every few years. On average, galvanized metal window wells can last for around 30 years. Things like the materials used, maintenance, and even the weather can affect the lifespan of your window wells. 

However, even if your window wells are relatively new, it doesn’t mean replacements aren’t necessary. Here’s a look at some of the warning signs indicating your window wells are no longer doing their job.

Moisture in Your Basement

Cold basements are common and no big deal. Most homes aren’t running heat to the basement, even if the HVAC system is located in a corner. While fluctuating temperatures aren’t anything to be concerned about, it’s different when your basement starts taking on water.

Obviously, a flooded basement is a reason to worry. When water starts coming in around the window well, it’s definitely time for a replacement. The same is usually true when moisture is getting in. If the problem’s ignored, you’re risking issues with mold and mildew and this can impact your overall health. Your window well may not be draining properly or the lining is damaged. Broken window panes can also let water in.

The Window Well Is Showing Its Age

Window wells are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. However, some if not all of the benefits are lost as the window well ages. You can also refer back to the installation date to figure out the window well’s age. You can even plan on automatically replacing the wells every 30 years or so. 

Following this plan may mean you never need to replace your home’s basement window wells. This may sound like a great plan in theory. Unfortunately, it’s probably not the way things are going to work out. Even window wells around 10 years old or so, may need replacing if they start showing some of the common signs of aging.

At least once a year, take a walk around your home’s perimeter and inspect each window well. You’re looking for signs of rust and scrapes, along with any dents and holes. If you notice any of these signs, it’s probably time to start a conversation with a window well replacement service in Fort Collins.

Loose Window Wells

Okay, don’t start kicking or pulling on the window well to see if it’s still securely in place. All this does is cause damage. You may even end up being the reason the window well is loose and needs replacing. Warping window wells are usually pretty easy to spot. Something just looks wrong with the well’s placement against your basement window. Gently pulling on the well is an effective and non-damaging way of determining if the structure is pulling away from the window.

The causes of this particular issue can range from rust to your home’s foundation subtly shifting. Yep, foundations tend to shift a bit over time and it’s usually nothing to worry about. The primary problem with shifting foundations is the problems it can cause for things like window wells. The wells can start separating from the home and this is usually when moisture and water start leaking into the basement. 

Even Colorado’s weather can cause window wells to loosen over time. The metal contracts and expands as temperatures rise and fall. The material can weaken and start pulling away from the home’s foundation.

Keeping Your Window Wells Functional and Looking Great

Window wells do a lot for your property. They add curb appeal and keep moisture and debris out of your basement. Like pretty much everything else, window wells can wear out over time. Thankfully, you usually get a few warning signs before the window wells completely give out. Staying on top of these warning signs is the best way to know when it’s time to replace your basement window wells. 

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