Mr. Clean #CleanFreeWeekend

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Mr. Clean #CleanFreeWeekend & Giveaway Ends 5/9

This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and MrClean. I was provided the featured product free along with a gift card to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine. 

Cleaning is one of things that I really hate doing. I would much rather be doing pretty much anything else. For years, when I was working as an attorney and getting paid “the big bucks”, I paid someone to come in and do the real cleaning month, while I kept up with the house in the meantime. Now, I am a stay at home working mom and I share the cleaning duties with my husband. When do kids start helping with the cleaning?


I recently saw that Double Duty Divas and Mr. Clean were partnering up to let some bloggers try the new Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle. I love the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and Double Duty Divas always has the best partners.


The Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle comes in a small container because 2.5x more power than normal and it has an auto-stop cap so you don’t over use it. I see tons of products that say twice the power, but then I end up using just as much.  The small bottle are awesome because they don’t take up a ton of cart space when you are shopping, cabinet space, and you don’t have lug around huge bottles of product. I have a 2 story house and every time I clean the upstairs bathrooms, I hurt my back bringing everything up and down.#CleanFreeWeekend_-5

There are few different formulas that work for different rooms in the house. The bathroom formula when used directly on the sponge removes tough stains from sinks, toilets, tubs, and showers. You can dilute Mr. Clean Muscle in water for more general floor cleaning and surface cleaning.

Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle also comes in a variety of scents and a kitchen formula with the grease fighting power of Dawn. All the scents are fantastic, but my fave is the Febreze Freshness Meadows & Rain.


Tell us how Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle helped you enjoy a Clean Free Weekend by Tweeting Mr. Clean @RealMrClean using #CleanFreeWeekend or showing us at


Enter to win using the Rafflecopter below the awesome #CleanFreeWeekend prize package, which includes:

  • Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle – 2 Bottles (ARV $20)
  • Bucket (ARV $5)
  • Gloves (ARV $5)
  • $50 AMEX Gift Card

Win more prizes by going to the #CleanFreeWeekend Twitter Party, hosted by @DoubleDutyDivas & @RealMrClean on April 29th (4/29), at 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM CST ( 9-10 PM EST). RSVP here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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98 thoughts on “Mr. Clean #CleanFreeWeekend”

  1. Keeping on top of cleaning, half an hour per day or focusing on one room per day makes for a #CleanFreeWeekend for me.

    Rafflecopter: Rosie Areola

  2. I try to focus on something each day. Laundry, vacuuming, etc. It ends up in me having very little to do on the weekend.

  3. Well does it count that I am retired and clean during the week…LOL, seriously, I like to washthings down with Mr Clean, makes it smell so great, I have not used this Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle, but will check it out when my present supply is gone.

  4. Mr. Clean Helps my Saturday morning smell fresh and ready for company! Shiny bathtubs, cleans sinks and floors look good! This was I can relax the rest of the weekend!

  5. I try to rope other household members into doing ‘just a little thing’ for me regularly. “Oh, hey, I meant to collect all the hand towels from the bathrooms and kitchen and put them in the laundry, will you please do that for me?”

  6. My tip is to keep a clean house all week long by making sure that everyone does his or her chores and cleans up after him or herself this way you don’t have a huge mess come the weekend.

  7. We have started setting a timer here for fifteen minutes. and in that fifteen minutes, clean as much as you can. amazing how much you can get done in such a small amount of time.

  8. I try to do as much as I can on my day’s off or in the evenings so that my weekends can be all about family time. I try to get the laundry going on Thursday’s so that it does not pile up over the weekend.

  9. Do not let housework pile up, just do a little bit at a time and before you know it you’ll be done
    Leidy R – rafflecopter form

  10. Concentrate on a thorough clean to a different room each day and jsut maintain the other rooms. That way one room is getting the floors done, windows washed, etc and staying in great shape and you’re not doing everything in 1 day

  11. One tip is to do a little bit each day to achieve a #CleanFreeWeekend. That way you don’t get overwhelmed and you’re able to finish everything by the weekend!

  12. My Mom always had a schedule of chores to do each day of the week so that on the weekends you could relax. I try to follow her example.

  13. I try to get it all done by Thursday; that way if I don’t succeed I still have Friday morning.
    {in the contest I am Margot Core on the Rafflecopter}

  14. I Clean the house from top to bottom during the week so i can just pick up lil things on the weekend and focus on staying relaxed! #CleanFreeWeekend

  15. For having a #cleanfreeweekend i try to do most of it during the week. I will vacuum, laundry and wipe down all week long.

  16. Once I get started it’s hard for me to stop cleaning (it’s the getting started that I have a hard time motivating myself to do:), so I usually pick a couple days out of the week that we are going to be home all day to do most of my cleaning!

  17. Don’t procrastinate! You might as well get it over with because you will go crazy thinking about everything & it will become too overwhelming.

  18. What I do is , I clean one room a day so I won’t be overwhelmed with cleaning the whole house in one time, Thank you!

  19. Nothing can help me have a clean free weekend unless I make time during the week to clean and not have to do it on the week end. My mother has been using me clean products for years so I buy it also.

  20. I always clean room by room. One at a time, then I have no choice but to do them all! Also, I clean on a regular basis, not months by!

  21. Although i don’t like to follow my own advice, clean daily. If you can stay ahead of the game all week, there are only minor things to do on the weekend, thus helping you to enjoy the days more with family and friends!

  22. My tip for a clean free weekend is to try and get as much done, a little at a time, during the week. This way everything won’t pile up for the weekend.

    Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  23. Make sure to do a few cleaning chores everyday. Even if it is just to do a job quickly that can be done thoroughly later.

  24. Every day I clean at least one room of the house. On Saturday and Sunday I don’t have cleaning tasks. I just hang out with my kids and husband. It’s a little more work on Monday, but its totally worth it!

  25. I try hard to keep up with it on a daily basis…so I dont have to spend tons of time on the weekend!

  26. I try to clean an pick up around the house every day so that it doesn’t add up to more than I want to deal with.

  27. I really don’t know what an “#CleanFreeWeekend” is if your asking for tips on a clean free weekend just don’t do any cleaning

  28. I like to have #CleanFreeWeekend s by cleaning a little everyday during the week, then my weekends are free!

  29. A tip for achieving a #CleanFreeWeekend is to have a cleaning schedule during the week and really stick to it so that little things get done every weekday.

  30. I try to get everything done during the week so that on the weekends I can spend time with the family. Those gloves are so cute!


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