Simple Ways To Maximize Versatility In Your Backyard

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Temperatures are rising and the days are getting longer. As we creep towards summer, many of us will be looking to spend as much time outdoors as possible.

Today, we utilize our backyards for all kinds of activities and hobbies, meaning they have to be functional spaces. If you’re looking to maximize versatility, here are some brilliant hacks to make the most of your outdoor space.

Shelter and Shade

Keeping up with changing weather conditions is one of the most important considerations for modern garden design. If you live in an area, which experiences different types of weather and changeable temperatures, it’s an excellent idea to add structures that provide shelter and shade. From basic gazebos, oversized parasols and retractable awnings to covered patios and summer houses, you can cater to all seasons.

As well as providing respite from passing showers or the midday sunshine, adding sheltered areas can also enhance the aesthetic of your yard. Look for additions that complement the style and theme of the space. You can choose from a huge range of options from traditional, nautical-style parasols to chic, contemporary covered outdoor living rooms. 

Dining Outdoors

One of the most enjoyable aspects of long, hazy summer days is dining al fresco. There’s nothing like winding down with a cool drink at the end of a busy working week or basking in the morning sunlight with a coffee and a pastry on a Sunday. Creating specific areas for dining and drinking is a fantastic way to boost functionality and versatility.

With an outdoor dining table or a sofa and chairs, you can set up a dedicated area to eat and drink while also making a social space to catch up with friends and family.

You could also use this zone for activities like crafts, painting or reading. When shopping for outdoor furniture, consider the size of the space, the vibe you want to create and the style of your garden. It’s worth looking online for inspiration and using ideas from places you’ve visited, such as hotels, restaurants, country houses and exotic vacation destinations. 

Breaking up your yard

Many of us utilize our backyards for lots of different activities. The goal is to design a space that caters to everyone. Whether you have kids or pets, or you like to host friends and family members regularly, breaking up the space can help you to maximize versatility.

If you have children, set up dedicated child and adult-friendly sections as well as areas that are accessible to everyone. You can do this by using different materials, design styles and colors and adding physical barriers, such as fences, gates or screens. Trees, bushes and planters filled with flowers and shrubs can also provide fantastic natural boundaries and borders. 

You can redecorate your backyard with style with these ideas.

Summer is coming and what better way to make the most of longer, lighter and warmer days than to create a more versatile backyard?

If you’re hoping to spend as much time outside as possible, add shelter and shade, create spaces for dining and drinking and design zones that cater to every family member. 

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