Fashom #BeReal

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Fashom #BeReal

Cancer is something that touched my life at a very young age when my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer. It was the summer between 7th and 8th grade. Luckily, he fought cancer and survived, but it was a long and painful road for him and our family.

After working with Fashom on Startup is the New Black, I was very excited to be invited to the Fashom #BeReal campaign. Fashom has brought light to an important subject with it’s be real campaign. They asked local fashion bloggers to style someone battling Cancer to help put a smile on their face, make them feel good about themselves, and give them the energy to fight another day.

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I met fashionista at Style Mafia in Wynwood where I picked out some awesome pieces to help her feel great about herself. You can tell from the pictures that we were having a blast! She was such a fun lady! I held back tears (unsuccessfully) when we parted.

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Cancer Survivor Project fashomxstylemafiaeditshk (3 of 130) fashomxstylemafiaeditshk (7 of 130) fashomxstylemafiaeditshk (19 of 130)_pp Fashom #bereal fashomxstylemafiaeditshk (58 of 130)

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The cancer patient and the bloggers were interview about the #BeReal program. You can learn more in the video.

Fashom#BeReal_Large_187MB from El Mariachi on Vimeo.

Fashom will be selling #BeReal t-shirts for $15 until the end of November and all proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen Miami/Ft. Lauderdale chapter.

In addition, anyone who downloads Fashom’s mobile app via iTunes and Google Play and post a photo/selfie with #fashombereal  or shares a post from Fashom App with #fashombereal on any of their social networks (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.) —Fashom will donate $.05 cents  for each shout out to the Susan G. Komen Miami/Ft. Lauderdale chapter.

I am adding these pics to the Fashom app with #fashombereal to help raise money for the cause.

Style Mafia Outfit April Golightly

Fashom Cancer Event

April Golightly

Thanks so much to Fashom for putting together this campaign. It was beautiful!

Photo Credit: Hope Kauffman Photography  Follow here: @hkcameraface 

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3 thoughts on “Fashom #BeReal”

  1. Hello April, my name is Fernanda I am from Toronto and I would just to say that you are a very wonderful person doing what you did with the cancer program. You look just wonderful and beautiful with that smile of yours. I would like to say God bless to all the women with you and women and of course men with cancer and the survivors. Especially to your dad. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hello April, my name is Fernanda I am from Toronto and I would just to say that you are a very wonderful person doing what you did with the cancer program. You look just wonderful and beautiful with that smile of yours. I would like to say God bless to all the women with you and women and of course men with cancer and the survivors. Especially to your dad. Keep up the great work.


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