How To Restore Water Damage

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Every so often, a property will be damaged by water. This can happen for many reasons, including flooding, leaking pipes, or even heavy rainfall with a damaged roof. 

If water damage occurs, it is essential to begin water restoration as soon as possible. If you don’t, it could lead to long-term damage to the building, bad smells, and health problems. 

Fortunately, the water damage restoration process is something professionals have been refining for years (as the following infographic shows). It involves going through several tried-and-tested processes that eliminate the damage and restore the house or business premises to its original condition. 

Naturally, experts start by identifying what caused the water damage in the first place. Preventing it from happening again is essential. 

If the reason is flooding, that’s more challenging to tackle. But if it is simply a matter of repairing the roof or mending a broken pipe, that’s something that can be done in a single afternoon. 

After that comes extraction (sucking up any remaining water) and dehumidifying to dry everything out. If there is mold or bacteria growth, it could be necessary to sanitize the affected areas with cleaning chemicals and treat them to prevent regrowth. 

Finally comes the restoration work. This might include painting the drywall or replacing wooden floors damaged by water ingress. 

If you’ve just been flooded or are interested in the water damage restoration process, this infographic has all the information you need. Learn what you need to do and how to protect your property. 

Infographic: A Complete Guide to the Water Damage Restoration Process

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