arental leave is stressful. Newly formed families are suddenly thrust into balancing their time and money for a new bundle of joy. Add onto that most companies will not pay for parental leave for new mothers or new fathers.
Enter BabyBond takes the old adage of “it takes a village to raise a child” and modernizes it for the crowdfunding age. The platform allows friends and family of expecting parents to give the gift of time by way of donating $20 for every hour. (This amount is based on flexible living wage rate.) This can be done in place of or in addition to a traditional baby registry.
“We passionately believe in the cause and know that in order to help as many expectant parents as we can, MyBabyBond has to continuously improve its site and user experience.”-Kathleen Fleury, Co-Founder
While BabyBond does collect a transaction fee like other crowdfunding sites what it does is with the fee is unique. Collected fees are donated to charities that promote the cause of paid parental leave. BabyBond is in the process of starting one of these charities.
Interested in starting or funding a BabyBond? Visit