Medi-Weightloss and the Keto Diet 101

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The ketogenic diet has exploded as one of the most popular diets of the last few years. Touted for its ability to help dieters lose weight, keto offers a lot more when done properly. In fact, research has shown that a keto diet can be beneficial for people with certain conditions like heart disease, type two diabetes, epilepsy, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and more.

Due to the popularity of the diet, similar diets are also gaining in popularity. One of these diets is Medi-Weightloss. This type of diet is monitored by healthcare professionals to ensure that the diet is being followed correctly and safely because there are a few health risks associated with improper ketogenic diets.

When you start the keto diet, you probably start hearing and seeing all kinds of terms that you don’t really know the difference between at first. Two of the most common terms that get thrown around in the keto diet world are ketosis and ketoacidosis. These two words look very similar, but they have very different meanings.

Difference Between Ketosis and Ketoacidosis


Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body uses ketones found in your blood instead of glucose. When in ketosis, ketones are present in the blood, and they are used as a fuel source. To achieve the state of ketosis, you must stick to a low-carbohydrate diet. This type of diet forces your body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates as energy.

The body enters a stage of ketosis after three or four days of eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates each day. In some ketogenic diets, you start with a fast to eliminate glucose from your diet, and then you are limited to the 20 grams of carbs per day.

It is important to note that ketosis is a perfectly safe body condition.


On the other hand, ketoacidosis is a very dangerous condition that could potentially be life-threatening if not properly treated. Ketoacidosis, also called diabetic ketoacidosis, is a complication caused by type one diabetes. This condition occurs when there are dangerously high levels of ketones and blood sugar present at the same time. In turn, the blood becomes acidic, and liver and kidney damage can begin.

Ketoacidosis can develop in as little as 24 hours, and immediate medical care is necessary to deal with the complication. Symptoms of ketoacidosis include vomiting, nausea, rapid breath, shallow breath, abdominal pain, and fruity breath.

Ketoacidosis can be a problem for people with type one or type two diabetes who aren’t producing enough or any insulin. However, it can also be caused by poor diet, illness, or infection. In fact, ketoacidosis is the leading cause of death in people under the age of 24 with diabetes. Studies have also found that between two and five percent of people who develop ketoacidosis will die from it.

When you start a ketogenic diet, you will have ketones in your blood, but with very few carbohydrates being consumed, your blood won’t have a large amount of glucose in it. For this reason, ketosis is safe.

About Medi-Weightloss

So, where does Medi-Weightloss fit in all of this keto diet talk? Well, Medi-Weightloss is extremely similar to the keto diet. The Medi-Weightloss diet uses the same principals as keto. You are supposed to limit the number of carbohydrates you consume to put your body in ketosis where you can burn fat instead of glucose.

On the Medi-Weightloss program diet, medical professionals help you come up with meals and snacks that will keep you in ketosis. This assistance not only makes it more likely that you are safely participating in the diet, but it can also help hold you accountable throughout your time in the program.

One thing that sets Medi-Weightloss apart from other keto diets you may find online is the focus on lean proteins, healthy fats, and low-starch carbohydrates. On this diet plan, you will be given instructions on how you can create well-balanced meals that both get and keep you in a state of ketosis.

There are many different places around the country that offer the Medi-Weightloss program. If you are interested in starting the Medi-Weightloss diet, you can find a location near you on the Medi-Weightloss locations page.

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13 thoughts on “Medi-Weightloss and the Keto Diet 101”

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