Summer Shopping Checklist Made Easier: 4 Top Tips for Back-to-School Preparation

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Back-to-school is an exciting time for parents and children alike. But, let’s face it, parents need to do a lot of planning to ensure kids are ready and have everything they need to succeed in the year ahead.

Kids grow like radishes, and what they wore the previous year might not fit them come fall. Similarly, their needs and style preferences tend to change as they grow older. That means they have to shop for a completely new wardrobe. Don’t sigh! Keep reading to discover how best you can prepare for back-to-school starting right now. 

1. Shop Now to Beat the Last-Minute Rush

We tend to get anxious as the back-to-school period draws closer. What if stores run out of stock before we start shopping? What if they don’t have the right colors, designs, and sizes? How can I make back-to-school shopping as painless as possible?

One great trick to buying school items and clothes is to shop early to beat the last-minute frenzy. Buying early, preferably at the start of summer, gives you ample time to make adjustments or buy any supplies your kid is missing before the new school year begins. 

2. Catch Early Sales

With American parents spending an average of $661 on back-to-school purchases, it’s important to catch the early sales to save the most money—especially if you have more than one kid.

Retailers start creating their back-to-school sections as early as mid-May. During this time, they typically offer an incentive to jumpstart sales. So the sooner you hit the stores, the better for you and your wallet.

3. Keep an Eye on Stock-Up Deals

This is another strategy that works brilliantly for parents with multiple kids. Many school supply stores offer discounts for items bought in bulk. If all your kids need three folders each, suddenly, the bulk 20-pack folder makes a lot of sense. Stocking up is ideal for items kids can’t do without in school, such as erasers, highlighters, pencils, and sharpeners.

4. Let the Kids Do the Shopping

Scary as this might sound, sometimes letting your kids take charge of their shopping works. Your kids get the clothes and footwear they need, they learn valuable lessons such as decision-making and budgeting, and you get to sit back and relax.

To achieve all these goals, start by making a budget. Then, sit down with them and have an open budget talk, emphasizing that they pick only the items they absolutely need for school. While at it, encourage them to communicate their preferences so you can decide whether or not to adjust the budget.

If they come back with something unpractical, you can always return or exchange it, but the lesson remains. This is also an effective way to let your kids shop for something they like, as long as it’s within budget. One such item is shoes. Kids love wearing On Running shoes because they’re light, flexible, and tough enough for climbing, kicking, and running—and they allow them to move freely all day.

Save your kid the hassle of moving from one store to the next by doing your homework beforehand. Speaking of On Running kids’ shoes, only a few select retailers offer a rich selection in all the colors, sizes, and styles imaginable—and you bet kids want options! JD Sports, for instance, makes back-to-school preparation a breeze by stocking a wide variety of quality and stylish On Running shoes and performance apparel.

Act Fast This Shopping Season and Reap the Rewards

Getting kids ready with clothes, shoes, and other essentials for the start of a new school year sets them up for success. Don’t wait too long to start shopping. Hit the stores early, look for the best deals, and if possible, get your kids involved. For your kids, early shopping might mean discovering new styles and trends before their classmates do, and that’s a big deal for them. For you, it might mean a lower budget, happier and satisfied kids, and zero sleepless nights when school starts. A win-win situation for both parties.

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