Taking The Extra Step to Protect Your Family

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Taking The Extra Step to Protect Your Family In the Event of an Accident

As parents we have this laundry list of responsibilities in caring for our children. Aside from making sure that they have a roof over the head, clothes on their back, and food in their stomachs, we’re also responsible for ensuring their safety and protection. As complex as the world becomes with time, the need to take precautions in many areas of your child’s life is evident. Though we can’t protect them from every happenstance that might occur in their lives, it is our unspoken duty to make sure that we’ve taken every precaution possible.

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Take for instance the potential occurrence of a car accident. Yes, we pray before getting on the road and hope to the heavens that we make it to where we need to be without incident, but unfortunately we can’t account for all the drivers on the road. Accidents happen more often than not. In fact, according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, approximately 20 to 50 million people are injured in accidents every year.

When I found myself in a little fender bender the other day it got me to thinking (after I thanked my lucky stars)… would I have been prepared in the event that the accident was more severe or if the kids had sustained injuries? The answer was no. When I realized this, I decided it was important to take the necessary steps to protecting myself and my children. Below are a few things you should have on hand.

A Personal Injury Attorney

You might think it’s a bit excessive to have an injury attorney on hand as a method of precaution; however, this is actually a very smart decision. Doing the research and finding an attorney in your area that specializes in car accidents and personal injury claims is ideal. While you don’t have to keep them on the books, there is nothing worse than realizing you’re in over your head with an accident while finding a suitable legal professional in the midst of all of your physical and emotional distress. If you already have your “go to firm” then you know exactly who to call should the need arise.

Adequate Car Insurance

It is not enough to simply have an insurance policy; you need to have the right amount of coverage. While it is often the idea of consumers to save money on their car insurance, sometimes those savings come with a cost in the event that you’re actually involved in an accident. If you have coverage, review your policy to see exactly what is covered and what isn’t. You want to make sure that you can cover the damages to your vehicle, the other party’s vehicle, and cover any other expenses in relation to the accident without incurring too many out of pocket expenses. Skimping on insurance might save you money now, but in the long run you could pay heavily, so if you don’t understand your policy, it is best to go over the coverage options with an insurance company agent.

Reliable Medical Coverage

Again, you would hope that your children never get hurt in an accident, but you never know. Being prepared for this means making sure that you have reliable medical coverage that will foot the expense of any injuries you have sustained. Contact your health insurance provider to find out if they do in fact cover your expenses in the event of an auto accident. You may find that they prefer you to utilize your car insurance medical coverage first and they will cover any outstanding balance remaining after you’ve exhausted those funds.

Well Oiled Machine

Last on the list of preparedness is the integrity of your vehicle. If you are not the best at keeping up on your maintenance and repairs, this could cost you if there is an accident. Failed brakes, a faulty engine, or a blown transmission could leave you in a sticky predicament that you probably didn’t consider. It is important to invest in the integrity of your car by keeping up with maintenance and repairs. It is equally important to ensure that your vehicle is up to safety standards as you want to drive your children around in a vehicle that is safe for the road.

I’m certain that the idea of thinking of yourself or your children being involved in a motor vehicle accident is more than you bare to imagine but it is necessary. Again, I understand that we cannot safeguard our children against every unforeseeable event, but being prepared to take action in the event that trouble does arise is all a part of the unspoken responsibility of parenthood. I encourage you to review each of these factors listed above and begin setting up a solid course of action.

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