The Parts Of Your Wedding You’ll Want To Keep Years From Now

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There’s no part of planning a wedding that isn’t important to some degree. Of course, there are the biggies, such as the venue, transportation, guests, and more.

But one of the aspects of the wedding that couples often don’t account for is how easy it is for the day to pass by like a whirlwind, and how little of it you might remember after all the dust has settled. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you have plenty to remember the wedding by. Those are the aspects of planning we’re going to look at, here.

Your Photos

You might find that the details of your wedding day don’t come to mind as easily as you might like, but one way to jog your memories is with photos of the event.

As such, you want to make extra sure that you choose a good photographer for the event, and that you get the services that will capture your wedding in the best possible fashion.

Aside from the staged photos of you and the wedding party, as well as the traditional inclusions such as the pictures of the vows being said and the rings being exchanged, you can have your wedding photographer stick around for candid shots during the party, which can really help to paint in the events of the night when you’re trying to reminisce, long into the future.

The Rings

You’re not very likely to forget to get wedding rings, by any means, but it is worth taking the time to really be mindful and take your time in selecting the rings that you feel best suit your relationship, as well as your aesthetic. What’s more, it’s important to make sure that the focus isn’t just entirely on the bride’s wedding ring.

There are plenty of great and varied men’s wedding rings to choose from. If you think that a basic band of metal is a little on the boring side, then there are plenty of different styles, materials, and looks that you can choose from as well. Make sure it’s something you’re going to enjoy looking at years down the line.

The Guestbook

Your wedding might have you and your groom as the stars of the show, but it’s an ensemble cast, made by the love and celebrations of all your friends and family. As such, make sure that you set room for the guestbook and invite all of your guests to sign it and leave a message if they feel so inclined.

Years down the line, you’re going to be able to look back and fondly remember all of the people who were there to help you celebrate one of the biggest nights of your life, which can be especially poignant if there are some who are no longer with us in the years to come.

Guest photos

You’re likely to notice your guests snapping photos throughout the night, especially those in your bridal party. Asking them to share those photos can help you find some of the best snaps of the night, even if they don’t come from a professional.

You can go a step forward and encourage them to take photos, too, with the help of additions like a wedding photo booth.

Whether you opt for something classy and heartfelt, or you include all sorts of humorous props and backdrops, it can be a great way to look back and fondly remember those guests at your wedding reception. Just anticipate that the pictures from later in the night, after the bar’s been open for a while longer, might not always be the most dignified or pretty.

Your Vows 

Don’t forget the most important part of the whole occasion: the promise that you and your spouse make in front of all of your friends and family.

Memorializing your vows has become a bit of a trend, as of late, as it can be the perfect way to remember and hold true all of those heartfelt words that you spoke on the day you set off on the marriage together.

There are personalized vow booklets that you can have them printed into, of course. Keep this with your wedding photos and it can be that perfect reminder you need of your most deeply held feelings, helping you keep your marriage true to those vows for years to come.

It’s not likely that you’re going to entirely forget your wedding, entirely, but having the right keepsakes can help make those memories more vivid, and can ensure that your marriage feels all the more real once the dust has settled.

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