Top Tips For Relocating Your Business

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While your business may have begun from a side hustle on your sofa, it’s important that you embrace its growth and consider relocating to an official business premise.

This comes with many different benefits, depending on the type of business you run. For example, if you run some kind of store, many people still prefer to shop in person rather than online, meaning this can be a great way to boost your sales. Alternatively, it gives you the chance to hire more employees, which means your business will run smoother as you try to keep up with growing consumer demands. 

Photo by Michal B on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some top tips for relocating your business! 

  • Set your budget. Whether you’re going to buy a property outright or rent, it’s important that you know exactly how much you can spend on this task ahead of time. Remember, as this is a business expense, you should avoid putting too much of your personal savings down. 
  • Choose the right location. The right location can make or break your business, especially if you are dependent on foot traffic or want to become more ingrained within your local community. In these instances, it’s often better to pay a little more to have a central location, such as a store on the high street – as you’ll likely see an increase in sales as a result of this. 
  • Think about the kind of space you need. The kind of space you’ll need to rent/buy varies depending on your business. For example, do you need a light, bright space where you can showcase your products to customers, or are you looking for a small office for your hybrid team? Either way, you should start the property search by writing down a list of everything you need and anything you’d like but could deal without. You can then use this to inform your decisions moving forward. 
  • Hire a moving team. Hiring a moving team is also essential during the relocation process, as it ensures all necessary equipment and stock is taken to your new location safely and without any issues arising. It also means that you and your team do not have to do any heavy lifting. In order to get the best possible deal for this service, reach out to local movers. 
  • Be willing to make some exceptions. It is often hard to find a property that matches your vision in its entirety (the same can be said when moving home). As such, you shouldn’t discount properties that may need some extra care and attention to get them up to scratch – after all, the need for renovations could also mean you can purchase them for a lower price. You can then put your DIY skills to the test! 
  • Add your business to Google Maps. Updating your business address and adding the new location to Google Maps is a great way to draw in more customers. This is because you’ll start to appear in searches such as “stores near me.” 

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