Financial Literacy – Get Started Early with Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not)

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This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Beth Kobliner. All opinions on Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not) are my own.

Financial literacy is something that literally everyone needs to know. Without this critical knowledge, people tend to spend too much, invest too little, and generally burn up their money in the bonfire of life. Knowing how to manage money is key to success in life, and there’s no better time to start teaching financial literacy than childhood.

Financial Literacy Starts Now with Beth Kobliner’s New Book

The best time to teach anything is during childhood. Children’s minds are sponges, and what they learn as little ones sticks with them for the rest of their lives. That’s why I love Beth Kobliner’s new book, Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not). I want my daughter to have the best life possible, and part of that is making sure she knows the value of money and the importance of being prudent with it.

make-your-kid-a-money-genius-4-of-5Written by personal finance expert, journalist, and best-selling author, Beth Kobliner, Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not) is an incredibly easy to understand book. It teaches us, parents, how to instill good financial habits in our children now so they can maximize their money’s potential down the line.

This book covers topics that help us avoid the pitfalls of what we THINK are the right ways to teach our children financial literacy as well as helping us do the right things to help them now and later. Some of the topics covered are:

  • How your kid’s basic money habits may be formed by age 7
  • How doling out a wad of cash to the kids can help them with financial literacy
  • Why bribing the kids for A’s is a waste of time and money (my uncle totally did this and nearly went broke in the process…at least that is what he tells me.)
  • How paying the kids for chores could turn them into slackers

These are just some of the topics covered in Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not).

Financial Literacy Both You and Your Child Can Understand

I have to say that this book was a fantastic read. I’ve learned some things that will help me with my finances and also how to better teach my daughter financial literacy now and as she gets older. She’s 3, and I am excited to be starting early. I’ve also found some things I need to stop doing immediately.

Pre-Order Now!

Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not) hits the shelves on February 7th, but you can order right here from my site to be sure that you get a copy ASAP.


Simply follow any of the links below to pre-order this incredibly informative, extremely easy-to-understand book from your favorite book retailer:


Barnes & Noble

Keep Up with Financial Literacy by Following Beth Kobliner

Follow Beth Kobliner on her social networks to keep up to date on financial literacy in all its forms. And remember, financial literacy starts young!





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1 thought on “Financial Literacy – Get Started Early with Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not)”

  1. It’s great when financial literacy is taught from early childhood. At my early age, this was not the case, so now I have to learn everything myself. Fortunately, I found help in the zignaly team


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