Google Drive for Bloggers – Writing Tools

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Google Drive for Bloggers – Writing Tools

Google Drive is a fantastic productivity tool for bloggers. It comes free with any Google account, bundled alongside YouTube, Gmail, Google Plus, and a host of other useful sites for running a blog.


Google Drive is perfect for bloggers for three reasons:

1. It gives you the power of a cloud backup on the reliable Google servers.

2. It gives you free access to a word processor, a spreadsheet program, a form generator, and a slideshow presentation.

3. It allows easy collaboration.

Over the next few weeks,  I will break down each of the Google Drive apps and how it will assist you in your blogging venture.

Week 1: The Google Drive Word Processor

While you may be in the habit of drafting your blog posts entirely on your content management system of choice like WordPress or Tumblr, you should get into the practice of drafting them on something that has a cloud backup, like the word processor on Google Drive. This way as long as you keep your drafts on Google Drive, they will be backed up in on Google’s cloud in perpetuity. The peace of mind this provides is a priceless benefit.

Another benefit of the Google Drive Word Processor is that it saves a revision history. A revision history stores every change that is made to the document over the course of the document’s existence. That way if there is a need to go back to a previous version of the document it can be easily accomplished by tracking backwards through the revision history.



Having blog posts and other documents edited by others is very easy through Google Drive. You can share the document with anyone with a Google account. Additionally it’s simple to control how much they can do with the document. They can simply read it, or read and edit, or they could own the document, the choice is yours.


That’s it for this week! Next week I will write about using Spreadsheets in Google Drive.


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2 thoughts on “Google Drive for Bloggers – Writing Tools”

  1. A revision history stores every change that is made to the document over the course of the document’s existence. That way if there is a need to go back to a previous version of the document it can be easily accomplished by tracking backwards through the revision history.

  2. I wailed everything and realized that you are giving the necessary knowledge. It’s easy for me to understand this because I have the ability to blog. I am sure it will be useful for beginning writers.


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