Laughing Out Loud

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This is a sponsored post on behalf of Impressa. All opinions are my own.

Spending time laughing out loud with my family is my favorite time of day. Mostly, my husband and I laugh at how ridiculous my daughter is. She just has no fear and say the darnedest things.


The day we were at the park taking these photos she climbed to the top of the tallest playground and hung from the bar over the slide. I could not help, but laugh out loud at her fearlessness as my husband chased her up the playground.


After she was done swinging and making me laugh with worry, she asked to wear all my jewelry and proceed to explore the rest of the park making hilarious faces and posing for the camera.

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Poise Impressa gives me the freedom to laugh out loud with my family and friends without any worry. Impressa is an internal product that women insert like a tampon. Each person has unique anatomy and your jean size does not determine your Impressa size. There is a sizing guide that allows you to try out the sizing to see which one will work for you. You can find the sizing kit and packages of each size at your local Walmart like I did!


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