How to Deal with Anxiety and Sleep Disorder in Children

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Does your child have trouble sleeping? Do you suspect he/she may be having anxiety and sleep disorder? 50% of children will experience anxiety and sleep disorder problem in their lifetime, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Sleep disorder may be caused by illness, among other things. However, most children with sleep disorders have been reported to have anxiety. Nonetheless, this does not mean that a child with anxiety will automatically have a sleeping disorder.

Sleep Disorder

Anxiety is a common occurrence in children. It is their body’s way of saying something is wrong. On the other hand, in anxiety disorder, the child is chronically anxious. This means that he/she experiences extreme fear and worry.

The child experiences intense and frequent false alarms which makes them dysfunctional. A Child with an anxiety disorder will not be able to pay attention in class or even fall asleep. 

There are ways in which you can help your child deal with anxiety and sleep disorder.

Read on to learn more!

Talk with Your Child

If you have spotted anxiety symptoms from your child, it will be helpful if you talk with them. Find a good time and sit them down and ask what makes them feel anxious. Even though children may be concerned about many things, a child with an anxiety disorder will have a specific trigger. 

For instance, a child with a separation anxiety disorder is worried about being away from his/her caregiver. You will notice that he/she is avoiding school or going out to play with friends’ s to be close to you.

The child may even cling to you and refuse to sleep alone or fall asleep. Talking with your child will go a long way in helping them deal with the disorder. You can reassure them that you won’t leave them. 

In case the separation anxiety disorder is severe, you must seek the help of a psychotherapist.

Bedtime Routine

Setting a bedtime routine and ensuring you help your child follow through will go a long way in helping him/her sleep. For starters, you can keep the child’s bedroom dark and free from noise, set up a regular bedtime, and waking uptime.

You can also limit screen times. Ensuring you follow these bedtime routines will help them fall asleep and sleep through the night. 

Secondly, you may find that your child has sleeping problems because of some illness such as back pains. Getting the right mattress will not only solve the problem but also give your child a good night sleep. So go ahead and get your child a great-looking mattress from Puffy

It is also necessary to prevent your child from consuming caffeinated products. Consuming products with caffeine increase anxiety and leads to lack of sleep.

During bath time before bed, you can use lavender oil in the bath or try this fun lavender scrub that we use. 

lavender scrub

Ensure your child drinks plenty of water during the day to avoid taking much at night to prevent bathroom trips when sleeping.

Ask for Professional Help

Managing anxiety and sleep disorder in children may sometime be more complicated than you think. Which is why you should not shy away from seeking professional help.

A clinical checkup may reveal underlying issues that require a medical expert to treat. For instance, severe separation anxiety disorder is critical; it requires the help of a psychotherapist. 

Final Word

It is possible to deal with anxiety and sleep disorder in children. Setting a good bedtime routine and ensuring your child follows trough will help them deal with sleep problems.

You can also talk with them when you spot any sign of anxiety or sleep problem to find out their triggers. You should also remember that seeking help is not something to be ashamed of; professionals are willing to help.

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6 thoughts on “How to Deal with Anxiety and Sleep Disorder in Children”

  1. Thank you for sharing. I also know that many other factors affect the quality of sleep, such as the pillow you sleep on. My son forgot about his neck pain only because of an anatomical pillow. It adjusts to the cervical spine, keeps it in the right position and helps the neck to relax completely during sleep.

  2. Sleep disturbances in young children include problems with falling asleep and getting long periods of sleep. Behavioral insomnia is more common in children than in adults. It is even more difficult to diagnose a real sleep problem in children than in adults. That is why, in case of any suspicion, it is better to consult a doctor.


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