7 Tips for Making a Hospital Stay Easier on Kids

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It can be a scary time for kids when they are scheduled to visit the hospital. There is so much going on, and they may not understand what’s happening.

The Palm Beach Children’s Hospital does a stellar job of caring for children and also making the child’s stay to be as pleasant as possible. The following 7 tips will help you prepare your children for their upcoming hospital stay. 

The first thing you should do when preparing for a visit is talk with your medical provider about what will be done during the appointment, how long the visit will last, and what your child might see or do during their stay.

This way you are able to explain in great detail what your child will experience. 

hospital stay

Prepare Ahead of Time

Tell your child that they are going to see doctors who need to make sure everything is OK with their body.

Tell them that it takes a lot of tests and sometimes people have to poke or prick fingers, toes, arms, or legs in order for the doctor (or nurse) to check certain things out. Explain how needles work  in order to allay any anxiety they may be feeling. 

Clear up any misconceptions about what will happen during the visit. Explain that they are going for a check-up, not to get shots or have their tonsils removed without anesthesia!

Bring a Favorite Stuffy or Blanket 

Suggest that your child bring something like their favorite toy or blanket with them and let them know they can take it home with them.

Pack Pajamas

Choose Favorite Pajamas 

Have your child wear their favorite pajamas and put together a suitcase of clothing that is appropriate for what you will be wearing to the hospital. Show them pictures ahead of time so they know what kind of clothes to pack. Let them bring one or two small toys.

Palm Beach Children's Hospital

Choose the Best Possible Hospital 

Palm Beach Children’s Hospital is a hospital that focuses on providing award-winning care for children but also provides resources for the entire family. 

Their child life specialists provide play and diversion therapy to help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain experienced by pediatric patients during their stay.


Along with these services they offer, Pediatric Oncology Support Team which consists of experts in pediatric cancer treatment as well as mental health professionals who are committed to holistic healing techniques.

Palm Beach Children’s is a hospital with state-of-the art facilities that has been ranked as one of the best in Florida. It offers pediatric care and specializes in treating children who are fighting cancer, including access to experimental treatments from some of America’s finest doctors!

What Should You Bring?

Prepare Coming Home Clothes 

Prepare an extra set of clothes for them to wear home that are appropriate for your climate (think: hats, gloves, boots) or what you will be doing after the hospital visit. Make sure they have a change of socks and underwear!

Oral Hygiene 

Bring oral care supplies so they can brush their teeth before you leave.

Pack Good Snacks 

Pack a small bag of healthy snacks (granola bars, cereal or fruit) for the ride home so they don’t get hungry or dehydrated on the way out.

daycare labels

Label Everything 

Make sure to label everything with your child’s name and phone number in case it gets separated from them during their visit.

Bring Medicine 

Bring your child’s medicines if they need them so the hospital staff can make sure that nothing gets mixed up between patients and help to avoid an allergic reaction or other health complication.

The first thing you should do when preparing for a visit is talk with your medical provider about what will be done during the appointment, how long the visit will last, and what your child might see or do during their stay.

St. Marys

These tips are especially helpful for kids who may be feeling nervous, scared, or worried about being in a hospital. If this is the case with your child, find out what they’re most afraid of so that you can prepare them ahead of time to alleviate some anxiety.

With these tips, your child should be ready! This is an exciting visit to see the doctors who take care of them. They will likely meet some new friends and have fun doing puzzles on white boards or playing games with their favorite characters. 

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