Sears In-Vehicle Pick-Up

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Sears In-Vehicle Pick-Up is an awesome new service from Sears that I am excited to write about in a sponsored capacity. All opinions are my own. #MoreToYou

I was always a fan of drive through and pick up take out spots at restaurant, but easy pick up has become imperative not that I am a mom. I wish everywhere had in-vehicle pick up so that I would never have to get out of the car when my daughter finally falls asleep. Now that I have the baby in tow, everything is harder to accomplish. I am very excited to be able to shop at home on my laptop and pick up my purchases from Sears without having to get out of the car.



Getting my daughter dressed to go out is a struggle every time. She hates to have her diaper changes and putting on clothing. She also is extremely heavy and so is my stroller, it is a struggle to get the stroller out the car and sometime to carry her in to put her in a shopping cart especially when you are in extreme temperatures in the summer. I cannot even image doing all of this in the winter as well. The in-vehicle pick up is extremely helpful for moms that have their hands full with their munchkins.

The extremely convenient in-vehicle pick-up is powered by the Shop Your Way mobile app and enables you to pick up your online purchases at any Sears store within five minutes of arrival, without ever leaving your car—talk about a time saver! It is super easy to shop your local Sears store either by choosing FREE Store Pick Up or using the tab that shows you what is available at you store.

Chambray-Shoes skirt-avaiable-for-pick-up- cart-in-car-pickup available-in-store

This is an extremely touching video which was made to demonstrate all the ways Sears offers more to its members. The video series is called More To You featuring surprises with real people, based on their actual tweets. 🙂 In the latest More To You video, Sears cameras drop in on Breanna, a young mom, and showcases how buying online and using In-vehicle Pickup makes her life as a single mom easier – with a genuine, life-changing surprise ending that viewers will want to stay peeled to their screens to see.

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How will the Sears In-Vehicle Pick-Up service make your life easier? Want Sears to give more to you like they did for Breanna? Tweet @Sears with #MoreToYou and they just might!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf Sears.

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42 thoughts on “Sears In-Vehicle Pick-Up”

  1. We shop at Sears almost weekly, so I’m really excited to hear about this. Hiking in to pick up an order from the mall never was fun!

  2. This is awesome especially for people with multiple olds and tons of stuff to do! The quicker anything can be makes life a little easier!

  3. I’m so in love with the in-vehicle pick up! Seriously that would save me so much time! Especially with kids in tow! Love it!

  4. Unfortunately the Sears store in our town closed recently – although we do still have the K-mart! Please come back SEARS!!!

  5. i haven’t used the sears in-vehicle pick up but now i think i might! it makes it a lot easier for everyone whether you have children or not! my son loves going out, but sometimes i can’t get him to get back into the car when we get this would be awesome!


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